House Blend

It’s our story, our signature blend. The coffee industry was built upon the back of mules. Delivering freshly picked coffee down the mountain from high altitudes.
In their honour, our speciality grade blend from Brazil and Honduras is smooth and moreish. Kick-ass coffee at its finest.

Top Notch
Organic Blend
‘Of the highest level’. Our organic blend is exactly that. Using coffee from smallholders in Colombia and other seasonal origins, we ensure only our finest kick-ass coffee makes its way into this blend for a sweeter, well-rounded cup.

High & Mighty
Espresso Blend

What does ‘high grown’ actually mean? Well, do you know quality Arabica coffee only grows 800 metres above sea level?
This blend is a speciality grade from Brazil and other seasonal producers. It’s kick-ass coffee with a bold taste. Expect a full body.

Easy Does It
Organic Decaf
Easy does it is a classic cup with a caramel sweetness.
Swiss Water process leaves coffee decaffeinated without chemicals and completely naturally. It uses diffusion to extract the caffeine.
The crop we bring down may change season of season, but the one thing that doesn’t is the Swiss Water decaffeination process. A cleaner way of decaf, it leaves in the origin specific attributes, so you get a kick-ass coffee that’s still bursting with flavour.